Main Cube Project Page


53 LED CUBE Controller
for PIC16F688

Controlling the LED Cube Display

The problem with using a data lookup table to drive the LED cube is the amount of data needed.  If the data is packed it requires 16 bytes to hold the state of the cube (125 / 8 = 15.625).  Since the 16F688 PIC only has 4K words of program memory and the main code uses ~1455 words that only leaves about 2600 words for table data.   This in turn is room for only 168 complete cube states to be held in memory so if you wanted the text 'PICPROJECTS' to be displayed, shifting from the back to the front of the cube it would require 16 bytes x 5 frames per letter x 11 letters = 880 bytes.

Clearly the table lookup method isn't going to allow you to do very much before program memory runs out.  To get round this, the cube is controlled using a macro command language that controls a virtual drawing processor.  Using code written with the macro commands defined for the cube drawing processor the same animation can be done in 60 bytes.  (See example code dpcode.txt)

The instructions are implemented using assembler Macros, for this reason the instruction mnemonics have to be different to the PIC instruction set and MPASM assembler reserved words.  The instruction Macro names and register names are uppercase and case sensitive.  The Macro instructions are converted into either one or two PIC assembler retlw instructions at assembly time.  When the PIC ledcube firmware runs it reads these back as table data, decodes the instruction based on bit-fields and then calls assembler functions to perform the required drawing processor operation.

The Drawing Processor has 72 instruction, 8 registers, and a 33 level user stack.  The instruction set is similar to PIC assembler and you will need to have knowledge of PIC assembly language programming and the Microchip MPASM / MPLAB IDE if you intend to write your own routines using it. Also an understanding of postfix stack operation wouldn't hurt.

Since the DP code is generated from MPASM macros and just ends up being assembled with the rest of the PIC program code, all the usual MPASM operators and number formats are available to use when writing code for the DP.

Demo Code

The pre-assembled HEX file for the LED cube projects contains some demo animation sequences.  The Drawing Processor code for this is contained in the file


In the context of this project, a Voxel is a single LED within the cube whose position is defined by its X,Y & Z coordinates.


The DP has 8 registers; 4 general purpose and 4 special purpose. All registers are 8 bits wide and can hold a value in the range 0-255.  However, instructions that use values in the special function registers expect the value to be within the range shown in the table below.  Values outside this range may result in unpredictable code execution.

Register name Function Range
R0 General purpose register  0-255
R1 General purpose register  0-255
R2 General purpose register  0-255
R3 General purpose register  0-255
RHOLD Hold time value for SHOW command  ( x 10mS)  0-255
RX X co-ordinate for voxel and drawing functions  0-4
RY Y co-ordinate for voxel and drawing functions  0-4
RZ Z co-ordinate for voxel and drawing functions  0-4


There is a single user timer that counts from a preloaded value down to zero in 1 second intervals. 


The DP has two stacks, a user stack and a return address stack.  The return address stack holds the return address for Jump to Subroutine (JSR) instructions and is not directly accessible.  The user stack is 33 levels deep and can be used to push/pull any user register.  It is also used to perform math and logical operations by pushing the values on to the stack, then executing the operation, the result being pushed back onto the stack.  To that end DUP, DROP, SWAP, OVER and ROT stack operators are also implemented. This is a similar to the FORTH programming language and not by coincidence:-). 

  • The user stack pointer has wrap around capability so unmatched push/pull operations won't overwrite memory outside the stack

    This is important as the ADD/SUB/OR/AND/XOR operators always push the result of the operation onto the stack. This means you don't have to pull the result unless you need it, but you should remember it is on the stack if you have something else pushed on the stack previously. See also DROP instruction which discards the entry on the top-of-stack.
  • The user stack can hold a maximum of 33 entries.
  • Be aware that the PUSHXYZ and PULLXYZ instructions use 3 stack entries.
  • The return address stack does not wrap and has no over/under flow checking.  
  • The return address stack can hold up to 8 return addresses.


  • Fcarry - Set if carry occurred during add instruction, cleared if no borrow occurred during subtract  (same as underlying PIC operations)
  • Fzero - Set if result was zero, cleared if result was non-zero. Fzero flag is also modified by TSTVOX, CMP, Timer and external switch instructions.

Instruction Set

r - register name
k - literal, constant data or label

Mnemonic Description Flags Register
NOOP No operation    
MSET Modify operations will set voxel to on    
MCLR Modify operations will set voxel to off    
MINV Modify operations will invert current voxel value    
SETALL Turn on all voxels in cube (independant of MSET, MCLR and MINV instructions)    
CLRALL Turn off all voxels in cube (independant of MSET, MCLR and MINV instructions)    
INVALL Invert all voxels in cube (independant of MSET, MCLR and MINV instructions)    
SHOW Transfer drawing buffer to display and load value in RHOLD register into hold timer    
VOX k,k,k Load RX, RY, RZ and modify voxel   [ 0 <= k <= 4 ]   RX,RY,RZ
VOXM Modify voxel at current RX, RY, RZ co-ordinates    
TSTVOX Test voxel at current RX, RY, RZ co-ordinates.
Fzero clear if voxel on : Fzero set if voxel off
CHYR r Draw ASCII character specified in register r in the Y (vertical) plane    
CHZR r Draw ASCII character specified in register r in the Z (horizontal) plane    
CHY k Draw ASCII character value k in the Y (vertical) plane  [32 <= k <= 95]    
CHZ k Draw ASCII character value k in the Z (horizontal) plane [32 <= k <= 95]    
LINE k,k,k,k Modify a line of voxels, specify x inc, y inc, z inc, length   RX,RY,RZ
LINEX Modify line of voxels across the whole X axis, located at RY,RZ    
LINEY Modify line of voxels across the whole Y axis, located at RX,RZ    
LINEZ Modify line of voxels across the whole Z axis, located at RX,RY    
PLANEX Modify all voxels in the YZ plane, located in the X-axis at  RX    
PLANEY Modify all voxels in the XZ plane, located in the Y-axis at  RY    
PLANEZ Modify all voxels in the XY plane, located in the Z-axis at  RZ    
ROTATEX Rotate entire cube along a line at y=2, z=2 in the x-axis    
SHXL Shift entire drawing buffer left one voxel.     
SHXR Shift entire drawing buffer right one voxel.    
SHYU Shift entire drawing buffer up one voxel    
SHYD Shift entire drawing buffer down one voxel    
SHZF Shift entire drawing buffer forward one voxel     
SHZB Shift entire drawing buffer back one voxel     
DECX Decrement RX register, modulo 5 Fzero RX
DECY Decrement RY register, modulo 5 Fzero RY
DECZ Decrement RZ register, modulo 5 Fzero RZ
INCX Increment RX register, modulo 5 Fzero RX
INCY Increment RY register, modulo 5 Fzero RY
INCZ Increment RZ register, modulo 5 Fzero RZ
DECR r Decrement register, modulo 256 Fzero r
DECRSZ r Decrement register, modulo 256, Skip next instruction if result is zero   r
INCR r Increment register, modulo 256 Fzero r
INCRSZ r Increment register, modulo 256, Skip next instruction if result is zero   r
PUSHR r Push register contents onto top of stack    
PULLR r Pull top of stack and place contents into register   r
PUSHXYZ Push registers RX, RY, RZ on to stack    
PULLXYZ Pull registers RX, RY, RZ from stack   RX,RY,RZ
DROP Pull entry from top of stack and discard it  ( a -- )    
SWAP Swap top two entries on stack.  ( a b -- b a )    
DUP Duplicate entry on top of stack.   (a b -- a a b )    
OVER Operates on the stack : (a b -- a b a )    
ROT Operates on the stack : ( a b c -- b c a)    
TSTZ Test value on top of stack and condition Fzero flag  (a -- a ) : a==0 Fzero set, a != 0 Fzero clear Fzero  
ADD pulls two values from the stack, adds them together and pushes result back onto stack Fzero
SUB pulls two values from the stack, subtracts them and pushes result back onto stack
order is (TopOfStack-1) - (TopOfStack) -> TopOfStack
AND pulls two values from the stack, performs a bitwise 'AND' result is pushed back onto stack Fzero  
OR pulls two values from the stack, performs a bitwise 'OR' result is pushed back onto stack Fzero  
XOR pulls two values from the stack, performs a bitwise 'XOR' result is pushed back onto stack Fzero  
NOT pull value from top of stack, perform bitwise 'NOT' operation on byte and push result back on to stack Fzero  
CMP r, k Compare register contents with k.  If contents of r == k then Fzero Set, else Fzero Cleared. Fzero  
LDXYZ k,k,k Load RX, RY, RZ    [ 0 <= k <= 4 ]     (see also VOX k,k,k)   RX,RY,RZ
LDR r,k Load register with value k   [0 <= k <= 255 ]   r
LDRAND r,k Load register with random number in the range [ 0 <= Random Number < k ]   r
LDTMR k Load timer with period in seconds [1 <= k <= 255 ]    
ADDTRND k Add random number in the range [ 0 <= Random Number < k ] to contents of Timer    
SKIPZ Skip next instruction if Fzero flag is set    
SKIPNZ Skip next instruction if Fzero flag is clear    
SKIPC Skip next instruction if Fcarry flag is set    
SKIPNC Skip next instruction if Fcarry flag is clear    
SKIPTOUT Skip next instruction if Timer == 0    
JUMP k Jump to program address k    
JSR k Jump to subroutine at address k    
RET Return from subroutine    
RANDSEED Seed random number generator with non-zero value from  TMR0    
SYNCEXT k Wait for a falling edge on SW1 input before continuing program execution or timer out Fzero  
TSTSW Test SW1 input. Set Fzero flag if switch active (pressed), Clear Fzero flag if switch not active Fzero  

Instruction details


All drawing instructions operate on the drawing buffer.  This allows a new image to be built up in the drawing buffer while the LED cube displays the contents of the display buffer.  To transfer the drawing buffer into the display buffer you must use the SHOW instruction.  When the show instruction is executed it will wait for the previous hold delay to complete if it is still active. It then sets the buffer transfer flag and waits for the display driver to copy the drawing buffer into the display buffer and clear the transfer flag.  At this time the value in RHOLD is transferred into the hold timer and the instruction exits.  RHOLD timer is period to wait x 10mS.   If RHOLD is 0, the buffer is transferred at the next cube display refresh.

This command is blocking, program execution will not continue until the current hold timer has timed out and the interrupt display driver has transferred the buffer. 

MSET, MCLR, MINV instructions control the operation of VOX, PUT, LINE and PLANE instructions. 

  • MSET turns on voxels
  • MCLR turns off voxels
  • MINV inverts the current voxel state

The operating mode remains in effect until changed by another instruction. 

VOX RX, RY, RZ / VOXM / TSTVOX instructions operate on a single Voxel

The voxel is modified according to current mode set by MSET / MCLR / MINV instruction.

  • VOX RX, RY, RZ loads co-ordinates into RX, RY, RZ and modifies the voxel
  • VOXM modifies the voxels using current RX, RY and RZ co-ordinates
  • TSTVOX test the voxel at the current RX,RY,RZ co-ordinates and then sets the Fzero flag.
    Fzero flag is cleared if the voxel is on,  Fzero is set if the voxel is off

SETALL, CLRALL and INVALL instructions operate on the entire cube

These instructions operate independently of the current Voxel mode set by the MSET, MCLR, MINV instructions.

Stack operations

Stack Notation:
(  stack before -- stack after )  e.g.  SWAP    (  a b -- b a )

PUSHXYZ     (  -- Z Y X)
PULLXYZ       ( Z Y X  -- )

These two instructions push and pull the X,Y and Z registers to/from the user stack in a single command.  The order the registers are pushed onto the stack is X-Y-Z, so the Z register is at the top-of-stack after a PUSHXYZ instruction.

PUSHR  Rn   (  -- Rn)
PULLR   Rn   ( Rn -- )

Push or pull the single register to/from the top of the user stack

DROP   ( a --   )  
discards the top entry from the stack

SWAP  (  a  b -- b a )
swaps the top two values on the stack

DUP   ( a  --  a a )
duplicates the top entry onto the top of the stack

OVER  (a b -- a b a )
inserts copy of the top stack entry behind the second entry

ROT    ( a b c -- b c a)
rotates the top three entries on the stack.

LDTMR, ADDTRND and SKIPTOUT instructions control the operation of a user timer.

The timer is loaded with the number of seconds required for the timer period.  It then counts down until it reaches zero and stops.  The SKIPTOUT instruction tests the current value in the timer and will skip the next instruction when it reaches zero.

ADDTRND instruction adds a random value between 0 and k-1  to the value already in the timer. This allows the timer to be loaded with a random value between any two values, by using a LDTMR instruction followed by a ADDTRND instruction.


The sync external instruction waits for a falling edge on the S1 input or a timeout before continuing program execution.

If the timeout value is set to 0, the instruction waits indefinitely for a falling edge before continuing.  If the timeout value is set between 1 and 255, the instruction waits until either a falling edge is detected or the timer reaches 0.  The timer decrements at one second intervals and is shared with the other timer instructions.  The timer is not cleared if the instruction exits on a falling edge.

The Fzero flag is set if the instruction exits on a falling edge, and cleared if it exits on a time out.

SYNCEXT 0       ; wait indefinitely for falling edge on S1 input before continuing

SYNCEXT 12     ; wait for 12 seconds, or failing edge on S1 input before continuing

There is no software debouncing implemented on this control input, it expects a clean logic level signal.


The TSTSW instruction reads the logic level on the switch input.  If the logic level is low (switch pressed) the Fzero flag is set, if the logic level is high (switch not pressed) the Fzero flag is cleared.  This instruction is not blocking, the input is tested, the Fzero flag conditioned and code execution continues.

DECRSZ and INCRSZ instructions do not modify the Fzero flag.

DECR and INCR instructions do modify the Fzero flag.

I appreciate this doesn't seem logical but it reflects the way the underlying PIC instructions work.

INCX, INCY, INCZ and DECX, DECY, DECZ instructions do modify the Fzero flag.   These instructions use Modulo 5 for the increment/decrement so the number increments from 4->0 and decrements from 0->4.

It is important to note that the DECR, INCR, DECRSZ, INCRSZ can be used on all registers including RX, RY, RZ.  However, this can lead to a value in the register that is outside the valid range of 0 =< Rxyz =< 4  since these instructions operate on the byte modulo 256.   Instructions that follow and operate on the values in the RX, RY , RZ registers may cause the underlying PIC firmware to crash if the value is outside of the expected range.

SHXL, SHXR, SHYU, SHYD, SHZF, SHZB instructions shift the entire drawing buffer one voxel in the direction specified.  The voxels at the incoming edge of the shift are cleared (set to off)


Shift down:  
              Before               After

LINE x_inc, y_inc, z_inc, length

This instruction modifies a line of voxels.

  • x_inc, y_inc and z_inc can have a value of -1, 0 or 1
  • The start point for the line is the current value in RX, RY, RZ
  • After the voxel at RX,RY,RZ has been modified:
    RX = RX + x_inc :  RY = RY + y_inc :  RZ= RZ + z_inc : Length = Length -1
    This repeats until Length == 0
  • The Line instruction will leave RX, RY and RZ values set to the finish point for the line.  This allows consecutive line instruction to draw a new line starting from the end point of the previous line.
  • The increment/decrement operation on the registers are modulo 5 so the decrement will roll under from 0 back to 4 and the increment rolls over from 4 to 0


LDXYZ 0,0,0
LINE 1, 1, 1, 5

plots a line through the following voxels

0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
LDXYZ 0,4,2
LINE 0, -1, 1, 2

plots a line through the following voxels

0 4 2
0 3 3


LDXYZ 2,2,2
LINE -1, 0, 1, 4

plots a line through the following voxels

2 2 2  
1 2 3  
0 2 4  
4 2 0 <- rollover 


LDXYZ 0,0,0
LINE 0, 0, 1, 5

plots a line through the following voxels

0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 2
0 0 3
0 0 4



These instructions draw a full length line across one axis in the drawing buffer.

The voxels in the line will be set, cleared or inverted according to the current mode set by the most recent MCLR, MSET or MINV instruction.

These three instructions execute faster than using the LINE instruction.

    located in the Y-Z planes by the current values of RY and RZ
    located in the X-Z planes by the current values of RX and RZ
    located in the X-Y planes by the current values of RX and RY
  • The RX, RY and RZ register values are unchanged by these instructions.


Example of LINEX.

Values in RY and RZ registers locate the line in the YZ axis.
The value of RX register is ignored


The PLANE instructions fill an entire plane in the drawing buffer.

The voxels in the plane will be set, cleared or inverted according to the current mode set by the most recent MCLR, MSET or MINV instruction.

Value in RX specifies position along the X-axis

Value in RY specifies position along the Y-axis

Value in RZ specifies position along the Z-axis


A 5x5 character set has been defined for the ASCII characters in the range 32 to 95.  This covers 0-9 and uppercase A-Z along with most symbols.

The characters can be drawn in the XY plane along the Z-axis or the XZ plane on the Y-axis. 
There is no support for drawing characters in the YZ plane.

Character 'A' in the XY plane

value in RZ positions character in the Z plane


Character 'A' in the XZ plane

value in RY positions character in the Y plane

Given the way the PLANEY and PLANEZ commands work you would expect CHY and CHZ commands to work the opposite way round to the way they do and I wouldn't disagree but if I change it now it breaks any code people may have already written.